anything goes...what's on my [mahynd]

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Monday, November 27, 2017

asmr me to sleep

so there are nights that i have trouble sleeping. this one particular night (or morning it was 4am), i remembered that on one of the youtubers that i watched, on one of her daily vlog she crumpled a paper and mentioned that it is one form of asmr...since i am getting frustrated that i am not able to sleep...i searched youtube for asmr crumpling paper...

Monday, November 6, 2017

Payoneer - Low Cost and Fast Transaction

I have used paypal for the longest time ever. But one of the platforms that I working with does not have option to receive payment through paypal. And that is how I get to introduced to Payoneer.

As far as I researched, Payoneer has better exchange rate. However there is a minimum withdrawal fee of $50 unlike in Paypal you can withdraw for as low as $1.

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